
We combine transparency, technology and technical expertise to provide a world-class insurance covers to our clients.

What are our Services ?

Miscellaneous insurance refers to a broad category of insurance policies that cover a wide range of risks not specifically addressed by other specialized types of insurance. It encompasses various forms of coverage that are designed to protect individuals, businesses, and organizations against unexpected losses and liabilities.
Overall, miscellaneous insurance serves as a safety net for individuals and businesses, offering protection against unforeseen circumstances and liabilities that may not be covered by other specialized insurance policies. It provides peace of mind, allowing policyholders to navigate through life’s uncertainties with confidence, knowing that they are financially protected against a wide array of risks.

Types of Insurance coverage


Signage Insurance

insurance broking

Fidelity Guarantee Insurance


Burglary Insurance


Money Insurance

plate glass

Plate Glass Insurance

insurance broking

Kidnap and Ransom

Our Other Services



Marine Insurance

Risk Management

Property Insurance

Liability & Credit Insurance


Engineering & Misc. Insurance

Industries we serve