Liability & Credit Insurance

At First Policy, we believe in understanding our client’s business and providing the right liability insurance and credit insurance solutions and services during pre-placement, placement, and post-placement phases.

What We Offer

Key Features For
your Business

Liability insurance protects against legal claims from mistakes, while credit insurance safeguards against payment delays or non-payment, ensuring financial stability in uncertain markets for suppliers of goods and services.

How does liability insurance protect your business?

Liability insurance, protects your company in case it is sued or held legally liable for injury or loss caused by a mistake made by your company. The development of your risk management plan as part of your business insurance plan will limit the risk of error; however, that risk cannot be eliminated. Liability insurance covers the business for this risk. 

How does credit insurance protect your business?

Trade receivables are a vital ingredient of any company’s balance sheet. Delay in payment of debt or insolvency of buyers can make a serious impact on the company’s financial health. Credit insurance helps to make you certain in the uncertain markets. Trade Credit Insurance Policy provides coverage to suppliers of goods and services (excluding financial service) against delay in payment or non-payment of trade credit. Our credit insurance solutions ensure that your business remains protected, and our comprehensive credit insurance policy offers robust coverage to mitigate potential financial risks.

Key products handled by the vertical include

Public Liability Insurance

Protects from financial losses resulting from third-party claims for property damage or bodily injury.

Corporate General Liability Insurance

Coverage for third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury caused by a product or insured's business activities

Commercial Crime Insurance

Provides coverage for financial losses resulting from various types of criminal acts committed against a business by its employees or third parties.

Product Liability Insurance

protects businesses from financial losses and legal liabilities arising from claims related to their products. It provides coverage for third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury caused by a defective or faulty product.


Cyber insurance provides first-party and third-party liability coverage to companies when personal/confidential information is compromised and other cyber related events

Directors and Officer Liability Insurance

Protects directors and officers of a company from financial losses and legal liabilities resulting from claims made against them in their roles as corporate leaders.

Errors and Ommission Insurance

Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, is a type of insurance coverage that protects individuals and businesses from financial losses and legal liabilities arising from claims of

Negligence, Errors, or Omissions in the professional services they provide


Protects businesses against the risk of non-payment by their customers. It provides coverage for losses that result from customers' insolvency, default, or inability to pay their trade debts. Credit insurance can be tailored to the specific needs of a business.

Coverage limits, premium rates, and terms are based on factors such as Industry, Creditworthiness of the insured’s customers, Geographic scope of trade, and Desired level of coverage.

Public Liability Insurance

Protects from financial losses resulting from third-party claims for property damage or bodily injury.

Corporate General Liability Insurance

Coverage for third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury caused by a product or insured's business activities.

Commercial Crime Insurance

Provides coverage for financial losses resulting from various types of criminal acts committed against a business by its employees or third parties.

Product Liability Insurance

Protects businesses from financial losses and legal liabilities arising from claims related to their products. It provides coverage for third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury caused by a defective or faulty product.


Cyber insurance provides first-party and third-party liability coverage to companies when personal/confidential information is compromised and other cyber related events.

Directors and Officer Liability Insurance

Protects directors and officers of a company from financial losses and legal liabilities resulting from claims made against them in their roles as corporate leaders.

Errors and Ommission Insurance

Errors and Omissions Insurance also known as professional liability insurance, protects individuals and businesses from financial losses and legal liabilities arising from claims of Negligence, Errors, or Omissions in the professional services they provide.


Protects businesses against the risk of non-payment by their customers. It provides coverage for losses that result from customers' insolvency, default, or inability to pay their trade debts.

Why choose First Policy ?

Claims Support

Successfully Handled a Product liability claim in USA with a multi party litigation situation – with party in chain filing for bankruptcy.

Technically Strong

Handled liability claims in Explosion leading to Third party property damage.

Reinsurance Broker

Organized coverage in Switzerland for Environmental Liabilities with reinsurance support.

Our Other Services



Marine Insurance

Risk Management

Property Insurance

Liability & Credit Insurance


Engineering & Misc. Insurance

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