Claims Management

Our specialist claims team, works exclusively for speedy claim settlement. We as a company strongly believe that client retention is possible only if we are able to assist in early settlement of claims.

What We Offer

Key Features For your
Insurance Business

As a client's strategic partner for insurance coverage, we take a proactive approach to claims management services to ensure timely reporting and resolution, helping them to reduce the total cost of claims. Our mission is to deliver best in class insurance claims management services on behalf of our valued clients.

Half a Million

Claims managed each year


Insurance processes considerably through our IT systems

We offer the following claims management solutions:


Pre-submission review of claims


Proactive claim advocacy

Creative and strategic

Creative and strategic claim resolution


Comprehensive claims audits and reviews


Claims team education and training


Assessment of existing claims management

Our Other Services



Marine Insurance

Risk Management

Property Insurance

Liability & Credit Insurance


Engineering & Misc. Insurance

Industries we serve

Benefits of Claims Management Services for First Policy

Our insurance claims management services are designed to provide numerous benefits that ensure both client satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Key Benefits:


Speedy Claim Settlements:

Our specialist claims team is dedicated to fast-tracking the claims process, ensuring that claims are settled promptly and efficiently. This reduces the downtime and financial stress for our clients, promoting a smoother recovery process.


Comprehensive Support:

From initial reporting to final settlement, our insurance claims management services offer comprehensive support. This includes documentation assistance, negotiation with insurers, and regular updates to keep clients informed.


Risk Management:

By managing claims efficiently, we help clients identify and mitigate potential risks. This proactive approach not only resolves current claims but also prevents future issues, safeguarding the client’s business interests.


Improved Financial Planning:

Effective claims management services enable better financial planning by providing accurate data on claim trends and expenses. This allows clients to allocate resources more effectively and plan for future contingencies.


Tailored Solutions:

We understand that every client’s needs are unique. Our insurance claims management services are customized to meet the specific requirements of each client, ensuring a personalized and effective claims management experience.

By partnering with First Policy for your claims management needs, you can rest assured that your claims will be handled with the utmost professionalism and efficiency, helping you to focus on your core business operations. Our mission is to deliver best-in-class insurance claims management services on behalf of our valued clients, ensuring their peace of mind and financial stability.

Our Claims management services include the following activities:

Pre-submission review of claims

Proactive claim advocacy

Creative and strategic claim resolution

Comprehensive claims audits and reviews

Claims team education and training

Assessment of existing claims management


Claims review before submission

We review claims thoroughly before submission to ensure that our claims solutions are accurate and complete.


Being proactive claim advocates

We help our clients secure the best outcomes on their claims through strategically created claims solutions.


Strategic, creative claim resolution

We deploy creative, strategic, and innovative ways of delivering top-of-the-class, efficient claims solutions.


Comprehensive claim audits and reviews

We perform comprehensive reviews and audits of claims to ensure compliance and identify possible areas for improvement in our claims management solutions.


Training and education for claims teams

We are in full support of training and offering relevant education for claims teams to boost their knowledge and effectiveness, which are part of the claims management solutions. 


Evaluate the existing claim management

Our experts review the current existing claim management practices to bring out the strengths and opportunities available for improvement, in return ensuring the robust claim management solutions to be designed.


Claims Management in insurance is defined as the handling of claims raised by the policy beneficiaries. This entails claim receipt, assessment, and processing in a way that protects the best interests of the firm and it’s shareholders. Claim management solutions involve all the processes that deal with claims enabling them to be made in accordance with the policy formulated without the likelihood of fraud while helping the clients to satisfy their claims.

Some of the services offered by claims management companies are basically concerning insurance claims where the company represents the insurer or the policy holder in managing the claims. These are evaluation of claims, interfacing with all stakeholders, bargaining concerning the claims as well as implementation of legal and other regulatory provisions. Such companies have the primary goal of enhancing claims cycle, cutting the expenses and enhancing efficacy of claims cycle.

The main role of the claims management service line in insurance is to facilitate correct and efficient handling of the claims. It keeps the policyholders loyal to their insurers and satisfied with their services, likely decreases costs for the insurer, and is a good way of regulatory compliance. Other services which come under efficient insurance claims management services also ensure that fake claims are not entertained to safeguard the financial capabilities of the insurance service provider.

The claims management in insurance  process involves several key steps: 

Filing a Claim: It refers to the approach in which the policyholder makes a claim to the insurance company to inform it of a loss or damage incidence. 

Claim Acknowledgment: The insurer receives the claim, and the first evaluation starts by recognizing that it has received it. 

Investigation: The steps involved in the investigation of the claim embracing the coverage, evaluation of the damages or loss and collection of other relevant information. 

Evaluation: It is the insurer’s responsibility to assess the claim with a view of establishing if the claim deserves to be paid or not and if it so, how much should be paid out. 

Settlement: The process of bargaining with the policyholder involving the claim amount to be paid. 

Payment: Payment of the negotiated amount to the policy holder. 

Closure: The claim is considered effectively to be shut once all these processes are over.