Insurance Blog

Insurance Blog

Risk management includes commercial property insurance, for businesses. So, it is a cover of the vital physical assets for the business operation helping to protect from possible financial losses. In order to properly insure your business under a commercial property Read more…

Insurance Blog

It is of paramount importance for companies in India to have adequate liability insurance as it is happening in a fast changing, ever evolving business world today. Liability insurance is insurance that helps protect businesses from any risks that could Read more…

Insurance Blog

In today’s digital world, businesses are always facing threats of cyber threat, data breach and online fraud. Why are companies investing so heavily in digital infrastructure if not to secure their products, their customers, their employees? Cyber insurance steps in Read more…

Insurance Blog

Like most engineering projects today, they tend to be complex and quite risky. Accidents and other unforeseen on site events can happen from natural disasters to equipment failures that can have significant financial losses, or project delays. For these risks, Read more…

Insurance Blog

With so much at stake, companies of all sizes have a wide variety of risks that can severely harm their operations, the stability of their finances and, perhaps worst of all their reputation. Liability claims—stemming from employee accidents, product defects Read more…

Insurance Blog

The insurance policies of choice in the complex and ever evolving arena of business risk are standard insurance policies which include, fire insurance, commercial general insurance and such like liability coverages. Despite this, not all risks easily fit into these Read more…

Insurance Blog

The Importance of Professional Indemnity Policy for Small IT Companies In today’s digital age, small IT companies play a crucial role in driving innovation and supporting businesses across various industries. However, with great responsibility comes the potential for significant risk. Read more…

Insurance Blog

Does the recent Bangalore cafe blast incident fall within the purview of terrorism coverage under property insurance? The investigation is being conducted by National Investigative Agency (NIA) which is mandated to investigate terrorism incidents. Criminal case has been registered under Read more…

Insurance Blog

Port Blockage – Arising out of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse due to the impact by vessel MV Dali, there is complete shutdown of the port of Baltimore, one of the busiest ports in the United States. All inbound and outbound Read more…

Insurance Blog

The material damage provison of the LOP says there has to be an indemnifiable loss or damage under the material damage policy for the LOP claim to trigger. “……the Company agrees (subject to the Special Conditions and Exclusions contained herein Read more…