Year: 2023


Insurance policies are contracts between an insurance company and a policyholder that provide financial protection against potential losses or damages. For businesses in India, insurance policies can help mitigate the financial risks associated with unforeseen events such as accidents, theft, Read more…


Businesses need insurance because it helps shield them from financial losses that may result from unforeseen conditions or incidents. These losses, which might include property damage, liability claims, and legal expenses, can be extremely detrimental. If a business doesn’t have Read more…

Insurance Blog

Recognizing and mitigating the risks businesses face is very significant in 2023, as it helps them prepare for the potential threats and uncertainties that may arise in the future. Companies can reduce the impact of these dangers on their business Read more…

Insurance Blog

Managing Employee Benefits in the Digital Age: How Technology is Changing the Benefits Landscape   The world of employee benefits is changing rapidly. Technology is driving much of this change. Online benefits portals to digital enrollment tools and mobile apps, Read more…

Insurance Blog

Employees Compensation Policy (formerly known as Workmen’s Compensation Policy) covers the statutory liability of an employer under the Employees (Workmen’s) Compensation Act 1923 for the death of or bodily injuries or occupational diseases sustained by the workmen arising out of Read more…

Marine Insurance

Warehouses play a critical role in the supply chain, storing and distributing goods for a wide range of industries. As such, it’s important for warehouse owners and operators to have the right insurance coverage in place to protect their business Read more…

Insurance Blog

Marine insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for ships, cargo, and other related assets that are involved in marine transportation. In India, marine insurance plays a crucial role in the country’s economy as it supports the growth Read more…